Flow with Autumn

Autumn totally embodies the process of letting go. The harvesting of fruits and leaves falling to the ground is such a natural time release and reflection. Nature is showing us how she naturally lets go with such elegance and beauty. It is also a such a celebratory time to feel gratitude and abundance for another magical Spring-Summer and the Harvest cycle.

We are now heading into a phase that is more receptive, replenishing and creative and you might find it be super rewarding and fulfilling to take a few minutes to look back on the Summer that was and be grateful. Reflect on what went well and what didn’t go well. Then look forward to the next three months. I love how every season is so tidily arranged into 3 month blocks - there is so much we can do in this time and it is lovely to build some super nourishing habits that are tailored around each seasonal transition. So let's use nature's elegant wisdom! If you would like to work along with this idea, I invite you to consider 3 (or 4 max) goals (think tiny goals) so that in July when Winter begins, you can look back and be really delighted about all that you committed to this season. 

Tune in

I invite you to tune into the vibes of recalibration and letting go and ask yourself, what practices, foods, beliefs or dynamics would you like to weave in or let go of. This is such a lovely opportunity to focus inwards on the less externally focused aspects of life and stay creative, inspired and learn new things.


It’s important we take the time to nourish ourselves now and over Autumn so that we roll into Winter super nourished and prepared for the colder months, having cultivated good immunity.

Warming and cooked foods

The warmth of the Summer helps us to digest raw foods, salads and smoothies. Some of us have a strong digestive fire and can eat these foods all year round, however if you feel that your digestive system needs support, then as we begin to welcome the cooler weather beginning to transition to cooked and warming foods will help to nourish the body.

Soups, stews, slower cooking methods and warming spices such as ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, fennel, caraway, cumin, coriander, nutmeg, dill and cardamom as well as the woody/oily herbs rosemary, thyme and oregano.

Lifestyle practices

Journalling and Reflection

Breathwork / Meditation / Yoga Nidra

Yoga / Barre Base / Yin

Dry body brushing

Self Massage with Sesame or Coconut Oil

Daily Dance Parties

Mountain biking, Slow walks, Hikes and Trail Runs into Nature

Declutter, Clean and Donate anything you no longer need

Spend half a day unplugged from all of your devices

Plan regular social media detoxes

Menu plan for the day or week ahead 

Have an active catch up with a friend or friends. 

Write daily gratitude lists

Take yourself on a solo creative date somewhere that inspires you (extra points for a regular date)  

Ways to work with me

If you feel that transition is in the air, want to address the root cause of a health condition, release lifelong emotional patterns and beliefs, build some beautifully nourishing practices around food and lifestyle and are craving a more meaningful and satisfying life (instead of more stress), I have two more openings in the Nourishing Rhythms Programme! If your heart feels called, please book a 30 minute complimentary call with me to see if we will be a good fit :)

I wish you a beautifully creative, pleasure-filled and nourishing Autumn! xxx


Mothers Day & Healing the Mother Wound


My Lovely New Offering: The Nourishing Rhythms Programme