Have you tried Habit Tracking? Download your Nourishing Practice Habit Trackers


A habit is something we do almost without thinking. It’s a routine of behaviour that almost becomes second nature.

Habit tracking is a beautifully powerful way to add in nourishing habits and practices and to also become aware of those that no longer serve your growth.Kia ora Whanau!

Creating a Daily Practice

While we become what we do consistently, it’s not about being rigid and perfect, this is about creating a pleasurable foundation of daily-ish practices that allow you to step into your power as you commit to your desires.


This is important to give yourself grace for the days when you are too busy and you have a tight deadline. We cannot be perfect all the time, life gets busy, but working on tiny habits is the most effective way to nurture behavioural change. Evidence strongly illustrates that our will always abandons us when we need it the most in areas concerning behavioural change. When we go from zero to hero, it just sets most of us up for failure as inevitably we will come up against some sort of barrier and be unable to sustain the practice. We need long term solutions to rewire our daily habits.

Don’t forget to add in some practices that are fun and you know are going to nourish you on many levels. For instance you can nourish yourself on these sorts of levels: physical, emotional, spiritual, creative, connection, community, solo, the list goes on…

Subscribe (below) to my very irregular emails and get a link to a these lovely downloadable monthly habit trackers.

I recently wrote another post with more detail about habit tracking here as well if you would like some more guidance on ideas of how to nourish our different arenas of health.


Choose a day, Sunday is really nice or a day you know you can set aside time.

Up-level the Joy beforehand: Light a candle and make some tea when you sit down to do this task.

I invite you to set aside 15-20 min to do some reflections on your month ahead. Is there a theme that comes to mind about the month or a goal? Think about the practices will help you to feel nourished and radiant for the coming month.

Write your goal or theme for the month at the top.

List the beautiful practices and rituals you would like to make second nature.

Simplify: Write the name of the day above the dates


My Lovely New Offering: The Nourishing Rhythms Programme


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