Tune into Spring

Tena Koutou Beautiful Friends!!

The Spring equinox is in the air and it's so exciting to see the transition to longer days and warmer weather. Spring is an ideal time to focus on building strong digestion, a resilient microbiome and adapting your diet to the new season. If you are noticing signs of slower digestion, congestion, fogginess or fatigue then Spring is a magnificent time to make a shift!

Spring embodies emergence, blossoming, cleansing, creativity, organisation and clarity of vision. So if there are any goals or activities you have been putting off then you could definitely use the Spring momentum as a springboard.  

Spring Inspiration:

  • Springtime is such a natural phase of organisation, creativity, emergence and blossoming. Utilise Spring’s beautiful energy and consider what awesome goals you might have and create an action plan with the steps needed to fulfil them.

  • Get creative in the kitchen, go for lighter flavours and try some new ways to prepare those deliciously tender spring veggies that are starting to grow in abundance. Check out your local farmers markets and/or if you are lucky your garden so that you are eating in tune with the seasons: cheaper, fresher and hasn’t travelled too far. 

  • Make a RAINBOW on your plate! Increasing your daily intake of veggies is a wonderful way to reset your physical health. Spring is an ideal time to have a digestive reset and give your gut some deep love. Different vegetables have different forms of fibre which are beneficial because they feed the good bacteria in our microbiome and the fibre then sweeps though gut. 

  • Declutter and spring clean your space and let the lovely spring breeze into the house, it makes a huge difference to everyone.

  • Utilise the naturally bitter and sour flavours of the season and add in lovely greens, herbs, spices, ginger and citrus, these are wonderful for helping the transition from wintery comfort foods to the lighter and fresher seasonal Spring flavours.

  • Try some lovely detoxifying yoga postures and sequences. Online, I love GLO & Barre Base. I love going to Hollie Beau yoga here in Rotorua too.

Easy Spring Cleanse: Maintain your Protein & Healthy Fats. Increase your Veggie Intake & Ditch the Refined & Processed foods.

In Aotearoa, our vegetable and fruit recommendations are between 5 and 6 servings of veggies and 2 servings of fruits each day. I challenge you to see if you can get to 5-6-7 or more servings a day for a week or so. One serving is ~one cup. The veggies can be cooked or raw, and your intake could be through nice big salads, soups, smoothies, veggie bakes, roasted veggies, veggie, rice paper or nori rolls. 

Before Starting: Monitor how you are feeling on these indicators to get a baseline: Energy, Clarity, Concentration Levels, Sleep. After: Monitor the same indicators afterwards.

Please let me know if you are going to try this as I would LOVE to hear how you found it. Feel free to ask me any questions if you would like more support around this.

I have been Loving:

This is a beautiful Maramataka: Traditional Maori lunar calendar that was used to guide the planting and harvesting of crops as well as fishing and hunting. Maramataka translates to moon rotating.

Has anyone NOT watched Never Have I Ever? I must have been be the only Indian person on the planet who hadn’t!! But luckily I came to my senses one day when when our laundry pile was so dizzyingly high that Kashi decided the only way to cope with the pain of folding laundry was to chose a series to watch. I thank Kashi my non-Indian husband for being more Indian than me in TV choices. Anyway - Never Have I Ever is SO good!!

Let me know if you found any of this helpful. I am off to Wellington next week on a week long Mindfulness and Somatic Therapy practitioner workshop with Dr Paris Williams. I’m so looking forward to incorporating more of this work into my practice.

Wishing you an adventurous, blossom & nature filled Spring! xxx


Asparagus, Hazelnut & Pesto Spagetti


Cosy Coconut, Red Lentil & Veggie Kitchari